Archives of Louis Le Bras
Designer & Entrepreneur
Trace your path w/
Stamina, Heart & say Adios Bahamas



Louis Le Bras


Building Things that Matter


Owner, Founder & CEO


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I'm a designer and entrepreneur with the obsession of crafting useful things that last and truly matter.

This archive is a concentrate of the research, observations and experiences, resulting from the various actions I've undertaken since 2014.

I know very little about the complexity of this world, but as soon as I have the opportunity, I allow myself to seize a fragment of it to analyze it, deconstruct it and extract the keys to its existence.

There's an adage that goes: “Don't chase butterflies, grow a garden”. And every day is another day dedicated to cultivating that garden, today called capital.

As attention is our most precious currency today, I've chosen a few interconnected disciplines to achieve my goals. All is about focus and dot connection.

Design, Philosophy, Code, Business, Strategy.

All started here

Before getting into entrepreneurship, I worked for 6 years in agencies in France and internationally, and on my own account.

I worked during this period with major brands (Nike, KitchenAid, Fraser Yachts, Microsoft…) and smallest projects and startups to master and experiment with these previous disciplines.

I made money. And I realized that what really mattered to me was building things (and make money ofc).

I call it my sandbox period.
Cracking up. You’re not really prepared until you dive in headfirst. So dive in.

And Now The Far West

I'm working on Donzelli® and Ora One,
two closely linked companies.

I started out selling and advising high-end furniture. Our customers had a huge problem with counterfeits, copies, traceability and transparency. So we gave them a secure way to certify, own and protect their assets. Far beyond just tables and chairs. The new era of ownership.

This Archive

This archive is a repository, an organic and living open-source research library, updated weekly. Feel free to take ideas, content and thoughts from it to feed and assemble your own.

The true owners of ideas are those who make them into things

I live every day
with 13 life game rules

1. Building capital everyday
2. Context is more important than principles
3. Action creates information
4. Preserve facts over interpretation
5. Set standards for everything
6. Attention is currency
7. Eliminate overthinking
8. Structure and systems create spaces
9. Your environment shapes your identity
10. Tension is necessary for growth
11. Don’t chase butterflies, grow a garden
12. Avoid comparison, focus on your path
13. Fortune favors the bold

They help me to live and to do everything, simply.

I’m always curious to read new stories, ideas, and smart questions. Feel free to email me – I’ll gladly read and reply.

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You can also check on my links here.

Archives of Louis Le Bras