Archives of Louis Le Bras
Designer & Entrepreneur
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Stamina, Heart & say Adios Bahamas
building things that matter.
[ DONZELLI® owner, ORA ONE™ founder ]
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In France, people suffer under the weight of taxes, bureaucracy, and countless government scams.
Yet, when offered a real solution to this burden—just as Musk and Trump do in the U.S. by cutting useless bureaucrats, cracking down on tax evasion, eliminating corruption funded by taxpayers, subsidizing local production, and lowering taxes—they dismiss it as “too radical,” blah blah blah.
And we’re not even talking about a sovereign wealth fund yet.
Stop rejecting what actually works and choosing to suffer instead.
We can’t reform taxes and absurd laws without a bold, well-planned deep state cleanup.
Anyone who claims the deep state doesn’t exist in France is either lying to themselves or trying to hide something from you.
Be honest with yourself for just 5 minutes please.
We are here in France in 2025 looking forward to the arrival of free instant bank transfers.
Terrific ideological and technological global backwardness.
Meanwhile, there is AI outperformance, Blockchain and more... And everything is fine lol.
Quote from unknow / “A scientist will read hundreds of books throughout their life but will always be convinced that there is still much to learn.
A religious fanatic will read only one and be convinced they understand everything.”
People are more excited by a product that doesn't exist with a perfect demo than a product that does exist, but is simply functional.
Cat 01 / Business
Cat 02 / Life
Global Furniture Company
[ curation, conciergerie, business services ]
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Welcome to the intelligent ownership era.
[ universal access to unbreakable certificates ]
Ownership Tech Startup [ we raise funds ]
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